National museum of archeology

Different periods of history.

A Look At PreHistoric Times.

Malta through the eyes of it’s ancestors!

A spectacular collection and an alluring experience of the Maltese Islands’ prehistory and early history. With artefacts dating back from Malta’s Neolithic period (5900-2500BC) up till the early Phoenician period (8th – 6th Century BC), the National Museum of Archaeology is definitely your first step to understanding the richness of the land you tread on, its people and their ancestors.
Opening Hours:
Mon to Sun (Closed on Good Friday, Christmas Eve & Day, New Year’s Eve & Day): 09.00 am – 16.30 pm
Ticket Price:
Adults (18+): €5.00
Youths (12-17): €3.50
Senior Citizens (60+): €3.50
Concessions & Students: €3.50
Children (6-11): €2.50
Infants (1-5): Free