
The Fishing Village

Can You escape or are you trapped forever?

Brain teasers at every turn.

The small and picturesque fishing village of Marsaxlokk (pronounced marsa-schlock – meaning southeastern port) is located in the South-Eastern part of Malta, adjacent to Żejtun,  Marsaskala and Birżebbuġa.

As a tourist destination, Marsaxlokk is popular for a few reasons:

The town offers a selection of the finest fish restaurants on the island

For the peaceful walks around the coast and harbour, as well as for its secluded and untainted swimming zones in the area around Marsaxlokk.

Locals enjoy the nightlife especially in Summer when you can walk the promenade, grab an ice cream as you go and let the sea breeze cool off the typical Summer heat.

On Sundays, many Maltese visit the Marsaxlokk fish market to buy fresh seafood from the morning’s catch.

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