Busket Gardens

The Woodlands built by knights!

Planted by the knights of malta

Was originally used as hunting grounds for the knights.

Buskett Garden is the only woodland area in Malta and is situated in the lush valley of Wied Il-Luq south of Rabat and east of Dingli.

Buskett Gardens was planted by the Knights of Malta to be used as a hunting ground. Today Buskett is one of the greenest areas in Malta: the gardens are also home to different type of trees such as orange, cactus, Mediterranean pines and cypress trees, bushes, shrubs and flowers. The garden also holds vineyards, olive and lemon groves.

Buskett Gardens can be explored by following the several peaceful pathways around the gardens and is a very popular place for picnics and nature lovers who want to discover the flora and fauna.

Buskett Garden is the greenest from autumn to spring with a lot of wild flowers and natural springs, however in summer the trees offer cooling shade from the hot sun.