The Village Of Mosta

bus Routes

Looking for the nearest stop or station to Rotunda of Mosta? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Rotunda 5; Nicolo; Rotunda 3; Rotunda 4; Rotunda 2.

You can get to Rotunda of Mosta by Bus. These are the lines and routes that have stops nearby –Bus: 20242444548

Atms Near by

3 Main Bank Branches Are Located Close By

APS Bank



BaniF Bank

THe Mosta Basilica

The Mosta Dome is one of the best-known churches in Malta. Recently declared as a Basilica, it is located in the centre of Mosta.  It has a stunning and unique architecture with ornate decorations. It remains a magnificent Roman Catholic place of worship and the stories it has to tell remain popular in local culture. 

Ask about the miracle of the world war II bomb or visit a war shelter before taking a tour inside the church and enjoying the wonder of its architecture. The church is open every day and is still in use for worship to date.


Bars & Restaurants

Enjoy fine dining or grab a quick drink at one of the local establishments.

Cafe’ italiano

A quaint local cafe serving authentic Italian snacks and coffee. Located in the heart of the piazza, it offers a quiet space to relax and enjoy an authentic espresso. Perfect for a light snack, business meetings over coffee or a quiet place to unwind.

Cake Box

The cake box offers a large selection of tasty treats and delicious, fresh cakes. It is mainly a sweet pastry shop and is well versed in making truly delicious treats. Locals enjoy visiting the shop to relax after a hard days work or to take a cake or two back home for the family to enjoy.


Very popular with locals, ‘Tax-xufi’ is a local restaurant specialising in traditional local foods. It is freaqunted by many locals on their way to work and is ideal to sit down and relax while enjoying a warm tea.

City Bar

A local favourite, the city bar is extremely popular with locals looking to sit down after a long day and enjoy a pint or two. It offers a large selection of beers, spirits and some food, perfect for a night out with mates.

Local Facilities

Clinic, Post Office, Pharmacies

Mosta Health Centre/clinic

Post Office

2 Pharmacies: Rotunda Pharmacy St Mary's Pharmacy

Shops & Services


Discover The Local Shops and Services Around the Area


Body mind soul

Body Mind Soul is a professional holistic center offering deep tissue massages, yoga & pilates classes. The perfect place to visit when on vacation, their professional therapists can provide advice on your health and well being while relaxing muscle tension. 

Pama shopping Complex

One of Malta’s biggest supermarkets and shopping complexes, you can definetly find everything you need here. A hige supermarket, book stores, jewelers, restaurants, clothing stores, toy stores and a huge parking areas all in one convenient location.